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  • Writer's pictureMark

Hey Jeff, what time is it? 🤣

Those that follow us on our Facebook Page (JeffAndMark Exploring) know that we love to find cool things as we explore the world and we thought we'd bring you this cool find. While there was some trouble getting it to work, it was still a lot of fun. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases and we may get commissions for purchases made though certain links in this post.

Check out the video below and see Jeff try and use the Human Sundial in Gulfport, FL. He gets an 'A' for effort. Especially for the 'airplane' gestures 😂 .

Some digging found that all you needed to do is stand on the month tile. Your shadow from just standing there should land on the correct time. Who knew?!

While we couldn't find the same type of sundial, the traditional ones are still kind of cool to have in your yard. Here is one of our picks after the jump for a Sundial.


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